Your real client?
Market research is a tool to find out.
Your venture or consolidated fashion company can be in different stages. In all of them, there are various marketing items that will help promote it and market research is one of the most important.
It is a tool that, according to researchers, is integrated by the collection and presentation of data, in other words, an important discovery to make better decisions.
Why is market research important? Without a doubt, it is a solution to real problems related to our market. From discovering who the person or group that will buy our product really is, to developing new commercial proposals or generating better positioning.
To deepen the subject, we will enter the conference given by Mtra. Paola Solórzano at Intermoda 75. This speaker, a participant in IM Talks, is an expert in marketing, founder of the renowned market agency ACSI Research and coordinator of the Master's in Marketing at the UDG.
In his talk "Market Research: A success for business success", he discussed the importance of decision-making, the current changing characteristics of the market and, of course, business intelligence.
"With information, we are taking firm and clear steps towards success," said the expert, while sharing data that indicates the closure of 80% of the companies in Mexico after two years. Hence, the relevance of market research to obtain information and make better decisions that help build success.
Another aspect that was emphasized was the importance of adaptation and not being afraid of change; that is, understanding reinvention as the key to remaining in the market.
If you want to go deeper into this topic, we invite you to relive the conference here.
Intermoda 76 is coming up!
If you have a fashion company, participating in specialized fairs is an excellent decision to promote it. Like market research, exposing your product to the right market is essential for success.
Intermoda, the most important and secure fashion business exhibition in Latin America, will hold its next edition in January 2022.
Hire your stand today. Contact our commercial team, it will be a pleasure to assist you: co.comercial@intermoda.com.mx and (33) 3122.4499 Ext.234