Trazos de moda

Fashion strokes

Painting as a witness to the passage of time and the evolution of fashion.

Through the world of art, it is possible to understand the way of thinking of entire generations, as well as their customs, desires, concerns, among other details that are extremely important to understand them. Painting, for example, is a faithful witness of time and fashion is part of that dynamic.

You only have to visit some of the most important museums in the world to discover it. From the famous Meninas where sumptuous period dresses appear, the masterpiece of the Spanish Baroque painter Diego Velázquez (1599-1660), to the portraits of the unique Frida Kahlo (Mexico City, 1907-1954) where large necklaces, flower headdresses and colorful clothes are a constant.

Yes, wherever we look, the strokes of painting as fine art also take us into the world of fashion. Jewelry, for example, has been a subject of study thanks to multiple works of art that include it on women or men from different moments in the history of humanity (pearls, brooches, tiaras, necklaces or lockets made with precious metals are part of the research, not only from the goldsmith's perspective, but from that of fashion or style in general).

On the other hand, painting and fashion have had an enriching relationship with mutual inspiration. An example? Perhaps more than one.

In this tour we will mention diverse, relevant and successful cases.

The first of them corresponds to the legendary French designer Yves Saint Laurent; inspired by the colorful grids of Piet Mondrian (Netherlands, 1872-1944), achieving a dress as simple as it is iconic where blue, yellow, red, white and black generated a creative explosion in the sixties.

Another relevant moment takes us back to the early nineties when Versace paid attention to pop art. Through dresses and jackets, the face of Marilyn Monroe thanks to the strokes of Andy Warhol (United States, 1928-1987) was a desirable tribute for countless fashion followers.

Yes, fashion has found in painting (sometimes literally and other times, fortunately, through an interpretation) an absolute inspiration. Designers, fashion houses and businessmen in the industry have taken it as a reference to create pieces that remind us of the past, surprise us in the present or invite us to dream about the future.

Fashion, like painting, is an art.

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