Inclusive reality
Buyers, design houses, global brands, independent boutiques and an increasingly diverse public.
Understanding fashion as a reflection of each era is talking about the history of humanity itself, its desires and also its challenges.
In 2024, immersed in a highly globalized market, one of the most discussed topics is heterogeneity.
What do we mean? Well, the construction of a diverse and inclusive reality where all people find not only products, but representation and participation within the value chain of this exciting industry:
From the numerous areas of professional development that fashion offers, to the freedom (and of course, the possibility) to choose everything they want and need to consume.
Both topics have been very important on the agendas of various sectors in recent years. For its part, the fashion scene on a global scale has made efforts that, while significant, could also seem minor when we know that there are territories (and markets) where inequality still prevails in many ways.
That is why we have an invitation for you today. If you are the head of a fashion company or firm, it is imperative to break the mold. From your own position and contribution within the market, ask yourself what you can change to benefit from this new reality:
New sizes? Genderless labels? Paying attention to other ages? Representing different ethnicities or identities in your next campaign? Collaborating with other communities? Being empathetic with suppliers and customers? Raising awareness about our processes and impact on the community?
Yes, there is so much to do. The reason? The market and society are changing for a fairer future for everyone. The invitation is made, in 2024, it is time to make way for the colors that shape an international, committed, inclusive and of course, diverse fashion industry.
Enriching the dialogue
We invite you to relive the panel “Diversity and inclusion in fashion” from Intermoda 79, where different professionals shared their experience and recommendations on the subject. Watch the video.