Diccionario sostenible

Sustainable dictionary

Key concepts to know, understand and apply a new reality in fashion.

Today's fashion entrepreneurs face a mountain of challenges. One of the most relevant (and urgent) is connecting with a market that has changed; today's buyer not only demands quality, design and innovation, but also pays special attention to 'greener' brands.

Yes, the discourse may be repetitive and the slogan “care for the planet” widespread. However, the market has never been more serious. And new generations are joining in with strength, speed, and awareness regarding this aspect of fashion.

Therefore, if you have a company or project within this industry, we suggest you take a look at the following concepts. The result? A dictionary to expand the vocabulary on sustainable fashion.

The more familiar we are with these terms, the greater the benefit for all of us in the fashion value chain on an international scale. Let's begin:


The Royal Spanish Academy defines it as “said of a substance: That can be degraded by biological action”. Simply put, those products with the capacity to decompose naturally.

Circular fashion

It encourages us to avoid impulse buying at all costs. Therefore, garments that have already been produced have the opportunity to be reused or recycled to reduce damage to the planet.

Second hand

Giving a new chance to what was created. Discovering treasures from the past that connect with the present and specific styles; these garments were used or bought in the past, but will have a new life in the present or immediate future.

Slow fashion

It is the opposite of fast fashion. It is a production model that operates on demand, limited editions or creations that are not part of a specific calendar are part of this new wave that has given a breath of fresh air and a blow to the frivolous part of shopping. More durable fashion.


One of the steps to achieving fashion and circular economy. Upcycling takes advantage of both already-made products and materials and waste to manufacture new products, even of higher quality than their original presentation.

Knowledge in sustainability
Intermoda 81 will dedicate an entire day to discussing this perspective of the fashion industry through its knowledge platforms:
IM Talks , Mindset by Trend Zone and Dialogues between leaders .
Come from July 16-19. Get your badge today, register here.


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