Emotional connection, sell more
A marketing strategy that will transform your customers into brand ambassadors.
Keeping a business on its feet is a complex task. Finding a market niche, offering an attractive product and above all, staying afloat despite changes in the way of consumption is part of the current challenges for fashion companies.
And for this process, in marketing we will find various strategies that will be useful.
One of the most powerful appeals to feelings. Under the concept "emotional marketing" , we will discover a current that talks about the affective relationship that exists between consumers and brands.
How to achieve it? Although there is no specific recipe, the truth is that as creators of fashion products we are also creators of stories . First, you should ask yourself, what story is linked to your fashion brand? And above all, what goals do you pursue with your customers: what do you want to tell them? What benefits do they find beyond a product or service? What added value do you give them? What feelings do you want to provoke in them? is your brand mantra and why do you want to share it with the world?
Once you have defined the above, make sure to tell that story in all your communication platforms: point of sale, website, social networks, publications, etc.
Aspects such as color, messages (written and visual content), human capital as an extension of the firm, as well as consistency between what is said to be and what is done is vital. For example, if your products include products aimed at children, ask yourself, do you support a cause that contributes to children or their families? If the answer is no, you could start looking for ways to get involved with its causes and universe.
That said, advertising and communication efforts can humanize your product or service (for example, wearing someone's face or telling a situation that appeals to the customer's emotions).
Looking for interaction with your buyers through social causes will be another alternative; Of course, do not make the mistake of establishing a commercial objective for the most part, it is valid that your firm seeks to return something to society or pursue a specific cause; and this dynamic in the future will help you to better position your firm (and with it, achieve greater sales).
In conclusion, a good marketing strategy with an emotional dose will make buyers become customers and, finally, become brand ambassadors because they believe in it.