Global reach for your company?
Identifying a business opportunity, a specific market and, of course, generating clients or gaining greater participation within the industry, are challenges for any fashion company. Once consolidated, the range of new objectives continues, for example, internationalization.
This process consists of crossing the borders of the country of origin and with it, arriving in other nations to place the commercial proposal. Currently, thanks to the combination of physical sales with online sales, the possibilities are expanding. However, before daring to explore markets worldwide, it is well worth reflecting on a few points.
Vanessa Sesma spoke about all this in the recent 75th edition of Intermoda. Sesma, who is President of ITALMEX, Associazione di Comercio Italia Mexico , was one of the international speakers of IM Talks, the specialized conference program of this fashion platform.
From Milan, Italy, the expert delved into the characteristics of the European market, particularly the Italian one, since ITALMEX offers a series of services as well as consultancies to Mexican companies that want to venture into that European country and vice versa.
His conference was called "Being competitive in the European market" and among the points he highlighted was the importance of identifying the strengths of the company that wishes to internationalize, as well as its weaknesses.
On the other hand, he suggested the search for alliances and teamwork. He explained that reaching new markets together with others helps to be more competitive, stronger and generate a greater presence.
Likewise, Vanessa Sesma also shared some of the trends that characterize the market, as well as the business world in Europe: constant interest in solving waste, sustainable fashion growth and a clear path towards the circular economy. Does your company connect with these interests? If you don't already, get to work!
If you wish to delve deeper into this topic and access further reflections on internationalization, we invite you to relive his conference by clicking here.
Intermoda 76 is coming up!
From January 18 to 21, 2022, Intermoda will return to bring together hundreds of exhibiting companies and thousands of buyers. In addition, its IM Talks program will again present specialists from the fashion sector. Do not miss it!