Spot publicitario efectivo

Effective advertising spot

A communication material to persuade your audience.

Entrepreneurs, established businessmen, fashion creatives and more, this is what interests you. Do you want to make an impact on your buyer persona? We present a communication tool that has been reinvented over time without losing its essence.

We are talking about the advertising spot. Although the branch that gave rise to it, advertising, has changed over the decades, the structure of this basic strategy for marketing or communication specialists has also evolved to adapt to market expectations.

Before reviewing its structure and some key recommendations, let's review its definition. We can understand it as a message - most often short-lived - that aims to sell, position, remind or launch a product, service or fashion project in general.

This tool is usually audiovisual when used in advertising media such as film, television, streaming platforms or even social networks. It can also be built from audio to be used in podcasts, radio, among other media.

Now that you know it, consider the following structure and recommendations:

Ordered. Like any message, it begins with an introduction, the body of the message and of course, ends with the call to action (from visiting your website or physical store, etc.).

Credible. Nowadays, the public is informed at all times, which is why the information about your product or service must be real, unlike the advertising of years ago that was more fanciful.

Inspiring. Whether it's a surprising, dynamic, comfortable, elegant or serious narrative (consider your brand's language for this), the message of the commercial must generate an emotional and inspiring connection for your target audience.

Clear and concise. Determine the real objective you want with this advertising material. Do you want to promote a product? Increase loyalty? Announce a change of branch or a new collection? Don't lose sight of your intention.

Professional . While creativity is the limit, a good idea poorly executed can ruin your material. Therefore, surround yourself with communication or advertising professionals to achieve a timely spot; there are currently agencies on the market that can help you achieve this goal and conceptualize it in a better way.

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