Remember, register your trademark
A relevant professional step: being sure that your brand belongs to you.
One of the most common mistakes when starting a fashion business is postponing (or even forgetting) trademark registration .
Marketing professionals, and of course those who work within the legal framework, have strong recommendations to ensure that this process happens as quickly as possible.
Before we get into those reasons, let's start by delving into the guiding concept:
According to the Ministry of Economy of the Government of Mexico, a brand is defined as a visible sign that distinguishes products or services from others of the same type or class in the market.
According to marketing professionals, a brand can also be understood as a name, term, design, symbol, or other elements that help identify goods or services, as well as their differences among equals.
Yes, a brand can also be a series of attributes or values (even intangible ones), so it is important to emphasize that talking about a “fashion brand” goes beyond just the product. There are also points of contact with issues that could be subjective and that end up translating into strategies that provide both benefits and public positioning, before today's consumer.
Having said that, it is essential not to neglect the legal aspect.
In our country, the use of a trademark is obtained through its respective registration with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, better known as IMPI.
If your project is just starting, now is the right time to register it, that is, to be certain and secure that this trademark is for exclusive use. Thus, you will be protected against unfair competition from other people or companies.
Can you imagine launching your business after effort, time and investment only to finally realize that your brand cannot be registered? The more time in advance you have to complete this process, the more advantages and benefits you will obtain for your project.
To learn more about the benefits of trademark registration, we invite you to relive the conference “Don’t just fall in love with your brand, register it” in the voice of specialist Anahíz Alaniz from the stage of IM Talks at Intermoda 80