What is fashion advertising?

A tool to boost your business, at no cost.

Free advertising is possible. If you have a start-up or an established fashion company, publicity is an aspect that you should not ignore.

What is it?

These are the spaces dedicated to your brand or fashion project that can be placed in the media for free. Yes, your company on everyone's lips.

How to make it possible?

Well, specialized magazines (digital and/or printed), newspapers, radio and television programs, the press in general, or blogs and virtual spaces dedicated to the content of this industry are constantly looking for valuable content. Therefore, through your public relations or communication department, you can reach them.

How to generate publicity?

Ask yourself if your company has a story to tell. For example, the new collection that you just launched on the market, is it inspired by any theme? Do you collaborate or work with a recognized designer? Did you include any sustainable process or manufacturing innovation? Are you about to celebrate an anniversary? Did your company get recognition? The questions can continue, inquire into everything positive about your brand that may be of public interest.

If you have already identified it, that is valuable content that can and should be communicated. Through your communication department or a public relations specialist, you can generate recognition, prestige and a favorable image of your brand, while at the same time achieving media coverage.

On the other hand, if your company does not yet have the resources, try to do it yourself. Some recommendations to effectively achieve fashion advertising are:

  • Identify the media, influencers, blogs and digital spaces where you envision your brand being published. Investigate the contact.
  • Prepare a press kit (digital information pack that includes high-resolution product or lookbook photos, as well as a written description of your new collection or launch).
  • Make sure that the information is attractive, visually and in its content.
  • Generate a database of the media and key people, let them know every time you have a new release or novelty.
  • Keep an open mind for editorial loans. Sometimes, the media require clothing or accessories for shootings or video clips, ask for your respective credit and make as many contacts as possible.

Remember, unlike paid advertising, fashion advertising will allow you to grow the image and positioning of your firm in a practically organic way. Much success!

Through the Intermoda blog, every week you will find recommendations like this for your fashion business.
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