¿Problema empresarial? ¡gestión de crisis!

Business problem? Crisis management!

What to do when our company makes a mistake or faces a problem.

A country's economy can be affected by global situations, the lack of supplies sometimes depends on the geographic location, the impossibility of offering a service is due to the absence of a specific collaborator or supplier, even a serious error was made with the client.

Do the above examples sound familiar to you? If you are an established entrepreneur or are in the entrepreneurial phase, you should know that every business project will face challenges and problems that are sometimes beyond your control.

That said, there are external and internal factors that trigger problems in companies; some of them you can identify as symptoms and others as realities that appear without warning.

Therefore, it is important to consider crisis management . This is defined as the process by which a company faces situations that threaten its structure, reputation or existence in the market.

To achieve this, it is suggested to plan strong responses, that is, to generate an action plan that allows to face adverse situations as soon as possible. This will result in a solution process that could also be replicated in the future when faced with a new adversity.

In the best case scenario, such an action plan or crisis management plan should be defined before the crisis occurs or when the symptoms begin. To do this, we suggest you ask yourself what the warning flags would be in each of your processes, collaborators or business systems. 

Once crisis management has been implemented, it is more than appropriate to evaluate the results and make the necessary changes.

The crisis, a new opportunity?

Experts in the field explain that while a crisis can represent a serious problem for companies, leading them to bankruptcy if decisive action is not taken, it is also an opportunity for change.

In other words, every crisis involves a process of transformation or metamorphosis that opens the way to a new reality for companies. The previous system of the organizations was probably not sustainable and change allows for growth for the better. Let's get to work!

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