Why study fashion?
We explore the different areas of opportunity that this career offers.
Graduates of the fashion design degree can pursue different directions in their professional development and thereby join the success of this exciting industry that resonates throughout the world.
Although many of the graduates of this degree or specialization take design as the starting point for the creation of their own ventures, as well as for entering companies at different market levels, the degree is also a first step that allows for other job opportunities.
So, where can a fashion designer work after graduating? The foundation in fashion design, as well as training in other branches , can lead these professionals to work in areas that may include the following areas.
Identifying and adapting trends to a specific market is no easy task. Fashion professionals can be the perfect ally for industry organizations that need to take the best of macrotrends to generate competitive and saleable products.
Fashion styling
Conceptualizing and styling fashion campaigns, becoming a personal buyer, providing general image consulting, among other tasks that arise from knowing how to tell advertising stories or, defining style through an appropriate selection and combination of garments, are also professional areas.
Department stores, concept stores and more
Whether as a coolhunter or in the purchasing department for various corporations, fashion professionals can contribute their experience in choosing the top products for each season. On the other hand, tasks include window dressing, public relations, among others.
Fashion magazines
Fashion editing and even (for those who have the ability and passion for constructing texts) content writing are tasks that pave the way in media outlets dedicated to the industry.