Experience marketing?
Boost your fashion business with experiences and activations.
The challenges of the market are ever greater. Demanding customers, connected to the entire world from their mobile device and at the same time, eager to live experiences.
Given this reality, a great opportunity (and challenge) arises for industries. Of course, the fashion sector is also included in this difficult (and exciting) task; therefore, a powerful suggestion would be to bet on experience marketing, also known as experiential marketing.
Experts in the field define it as the set of strategies that companies generate with the aim of building a long-term relationship with their consumers through memorable experiences. The most important point? The customer, not the product.
That is to say, fashion firms must imagine, create and execute projects that take their target as their main objective, beyond sales; if successful, these will allow them to reach consumers in an emotional way, achieving connections, loyalty and, at the same time, unforgettable moments for them.
And experiential marketing seeks to stimulate people through their senses: sight, aroma, touch or taste. Having said that, ask yourself, what kind of activations can you develop from your fashion company to achieve the above? How can I connect the sale of my product or service within the fashion sector with a memorable experience? How can I weave it with my digital spectrum?
We offer you some ideas: an immersive fashion show, an artistic gallery to project your products, an exhibition of your products where it is possible to touch them and observe their combinations; perhaps a cocktail party or a themed party related to the inspiration of your new collection or project. On the other hand, we invite you to use the facilities of technology, perhaps you can involve buyers who could not come or are in another part of the country or the world.
In conclusion, a company that focuses on offering memorable moments for its customers (before, during or after making their purchase) is destined to remain in the market for longer. Let's get to work!