¡Liderazgo inspirador!

Inspiring leadership!

Do you run a business? Go for this strategy.

Trusting and delegating are important concepts for a new leader. However, inspiring is a concept that has gained even greater strength. Organizations in 2023 face great challenges, not only externally to meet market demands, but also internally.

If you are a company director or hold a high position in the organizational pyramid, consider the following: putting your work team at the center of your objectives is a new dynamic that will allow you - later - to prioritize your client.

In other words, we cannot expect collaborators and project members to develop their full potential for the benefit of the company if they only receive a salary. I understand, you may wonder why if that is their obligation once hired.

Well, you may be right, but not entirely. It is well known that employees who find in their work not only financial reward but also inspiration, demonstrate greater commitment.

In other words, inspiration makes work meaningful. But how to inspire them, or what should they be inspired by? The first step is up to the leader.

If the captain of the ship (in this case your company or fashion project) is leading by example and inspiring others, it is very likely that his team will follow him with greater determination. Some of the suggestions we can make to enhance inspirational leadership include:

Finding your purpose (what motivates you as a leader and why have you decided to work or shape this company?). If your purpose is clear, dare to invite your collaborators to find theirs.

Congruence. When the company's objective shares values ​​with the personal objectives of its members, the interests of both parties are aligned and strengthened. Therefore, results will be achieved in a more optimal and faster way.

Teamwork . By gaining the trust of your team, you will have gained a host of benefits. Trust them, delegate, and also listen. In that context, working together and understanding that the sum of all is greater than individual efforts and interests will lead the organization to a more professional and timely level for everyone.

Yes, inspiration is built (and achieved) every day. Good luck!

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