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Fashion can help

Cause marketing is a strategy that cannot go unnoticed.

On several occasions, through this space, we have reflected on the importance of focusing efforts within the company beyond sales. For example, initiatives that offer added value to your customers.

But did you know that your fashion company or project can also have an impact on society? There are different strategies to achieve this, and one of them is cause-based marketing.

Through it, companies (of different types) link their activity with a specific social objective or cause.

For example, if your economic activity is linked to the fashion sector, there are surely multiple related tasks with which you can contribute your grain of sand to others.

On the other hand, in addition to helping those who need it, this strategy will end up directly benefiting the positioning and recognition of your company or project within the industry.

Can you collaborate with a community? Do your raw materials come from a specific place that you can help? Can a percentage of your sales be allocated to a particular good? As well as these questions, we are sure you can answer many more and identify where to apply social marketing.

Among the benefits of applying this branch of marketing are:

Increased loyalty

There are buyers who become loyal to a brand, not only for the product, but for the cause it pursues. Without a doubt, this is a great opportunity to link your proposal with a social focus.


This type of strategy is usually attractive for the media, as well as for dissemination on social networks. Generating communities under a positive theme will give your firm a greater reputation.

Increased participation

Not only will you be involved in the meetings or fashion industry as such, your company can also become an actor in issues that need attention. For example: sustainability, climate change, gender equality, cultural or educational projects, social fabric and more.

In conclusion, fashion as a true reason for change and action.

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