El servicio es prioridad

Service is a priority

An opportunity for growth and consolidation for companies.

In addition to being one of the most important added values ​​for any fashion firm, customer service has become an essential element in recent years.

Yes, it is not enough to have a spectacular product, a campaign full of inspiration or competitive prices. Of course, the above are the pillars of any fashion project, however, there are other elements that are built every day and which - sooner or later - end up influencing the purchase decision.

This is where customer service finds its place in 2023.

After the pandemic, values ​​such as communication and trust were key to keeping companies afloat through a good relationship with the market. This relationship was largely strengthened through customer service.

For this reason, we share with you some areas of opportunity that arise from this very important value:

Digital experience

Your company must commit to comprehensive customer service in the digital spectrum from the first contact. In other words, the same seriousness and speed in customer service and follow-up must be demonstrated on the website, social networks, etc. Transmit this position to all the collaborators behind these platforms.


Having your employees familiar with the product you sell, as well as the details behind it, will give your customers greater confidence. For example, if you have a point of sale, make sure that the staff knows the sizes, colors and models available.

Fast, comfortable and safe

The purchasing process, merchandise shipments and guarantees should be as simple as possible. Today's customer is willing to invest in convenience and quick solutions. Yes, these are aspects that influence a buyer to become a true customer of your company.

Have you thought about self-service yet?

This is another possibility. There are clients who do not need human intervention to advance or manage their orders. For example, the use of chatbots, answers to frequently asked questions, among others, will help your client advance in their purchase and interaction with your project or fashion company.

Emotion and fidelity

Finally, a reflection that we have shared on several occasions through this space: communication and customer service should not only be aimed at sales, remember that aspects such as rewarding, rewarding, celebrating important dates or greeting, are also tasks that do not represent immediate income, but do strengthen loyalty to your company.


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