¡Colócales la lupa!

Put the magnifying glass on them!

The talent of these Mexican designers is enchanting at first sight.

National design is in effervescence. Every year new names appear as a fresh commercial proposal in the fashion industry; some evolve, consolidate and take their business model to different platforms such as Intermoda .

Today we put the spotlight on a selection of three designers who, with some years of experience, continue to position themselves and win over people both within and outside the country.

Carlos Pineda

Originally from Colima, this designer has positioned himself as one of the most recognized Mexican talents in recent years in the fashion industry. His brand has allowed him to cross borders because, in addition to having been part of Intermoda, he has also taken his work to latitudes that include New York and Dubai. His proposal? Big dresses, maximalism and of course essence, as well as Mexican colors.

Follow him here @carlospinedamx

Montserrat Messenger

“The Northern region, its monochromatic crafts, the earthy palette of its deserts and cacti, the coarseness of its materials and climate” is how this eponymous brand, which emerged in 2017, defines its own style. Its designer has created clothing, footwear and accessories that have also delighted international figures. Do you remember when Dua Lipa wore a pair of her spectacular cowboy boots?

Meet her at @montserrat.messeguer


A Jalisco brand led by fashion designer Andrea Muñoz; the exploration of femininity through delicate silhouettes that come to life with elegant movement. This is the DNA of each of the garments proposed by this firm that becomes ethereal.

Follow her on @bohemica.mx


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