Bohemica: mysticism and Mexican design
Designer Andrea Muñoz talks about identity and the possibilities of creativity.
In an interview with Intermoda, the mind behind the Bohemica brand shares how she has experienced the development of her project. In addition, Andrea Muñoz reflects on the key aspects for those who want to find their own language in the exciting fashion industry.
Since 2017 and counting, what has been the biggest learning for Bohemica?
“The constant practice and application of values in the workplace and in our personal lives. Balance, discipline, loyalty and strength have taught us to be part of an industry where creativity is a gift that must be shared and developed.”
In each of your creations we see fluid shapes, nods to the past and an interest in the future. But how do you describe the DNA of your brand?
“The Goddesses of the present. Science fiction and mysticism converge in the universe of the brand. The elegance of a new futuristic proposal, where the past and the future coexist at the same time, always tell a story between feminine silhouettes, where wisdom, strength and the longed-for freedom are transmitted in each of our garments. Enigmatic philosophical scenarios, dance, the universe, mythology and technology. Bohemian are the journeys of the past for the garments of the future.”
Do you think that style has been maintained despite the passage of time?
“Yes, evolving and maturing in line with the environment.”
In your experience in the fashion business, how important is it to find a recognizable identity?
“Primordial, they are the foundations that will allow you to create, meshing with your soul. Starting from it, you will be able to capture your essence in each piece and make a difference in the industry. Thus allowing you to connect more organically with the client and your market.”
How do you achieve the balance between maintaining an essence and proposing new ideas in each collection?
“Knowing how to observe, knowing how to listen. Leaving the safe zone without focusing on fear opens up interesting paths that develop your creativity and with it opportunities for growth.”
As a suggestion for emerging designers and new talents in the fashion sector, what can they do to find their own creative identity?
“Authenticity is where the magic lies. Studying and recognizing yourself is a constant exercise that I believe is worth putting into practice, especially for those of us who work in art and creative environments. Embracing your roots and what distinguishes you from the rest. Identifying activities that connect with your genuine personality, working with sounds, images or sensations that awaken our most vibrant senses, is in some way awakening the records that the soul keeps.”
What advice would you give to those who also want to get into high fashion within our national industry?
“Understand the responsibility we have as a growing business industry. Our work requires reliability, consistency and commitment. And never forget that it is not just about you, but about a network that works together towards the same goal that benefits everyone.”
Intermoda, what has it meant to you?
“Support, opportunity and growth. A platform that has driven us to be consistent, that connects us with the country’s media and sector, broadening our business vision and facilitating our projection as a brand.”
Any projects or news you can share with our readers?
“New communication strategies and projects that involve a lot of teamwork.”